Intraday calls for 06-01-11
Markets likely to open flat
Sell Alstom Projects at 730, Target: 720, SL 738 – Book profits at 720
1:50pm: Book profits in Nifty 6100 PUT at 123
Nifty Index/Future Live Chart with RSI and MACD – Click to view
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Ram M Says:
January 6th, 2011
Posted at: 9:13 pm
Thnx Kartik. So a normal investor who wants to invest in silver wil have to buy it directly frm Mkt only, no other safer option??
sreedhar Says:
January 6th, 2011
Posted at: 9:22 pm
hi what will be nifty levels tomorrow ?
sreedhar Says:
January 6th, 2011
Posted at: 9:28 pm
hi cb when i will get answer ?
Chandra Says:
January 6th, 2011
Posted at: 9:30 pm
hi cb..wht is ur view on gold in one month?
bj arun Says:
January 6th, 2011
Posted at: 9:39 pm
cb good evening cb i bought asian hotel north today at 259 .. what is the near term target
AJ Says:
January 6th, 2011
Posted at: 9:47 pm
What is a good level to enter UNI PHOS and EIH?
Kartik Says:
January 6th, 2011
Posted at: 9:55 pm
Hi Ram M, it seems to cover most of the basic points, but it would be better if you personally learn it by reading a e-book, here's link to a good e-book: , let me know if you have any technical queries
Hi gaps, REC faces strong support at 250, no, dont go long on polaris tomorrow
Hi bj arun, it can see 270 in 2-3 weeks time
Hi Chandra, its likely to see some consolidation in months time, but can do well in the long run
Hi sreedhar, likely to be around 6030-6050
Hi Ram M, you can enter it in commodities
Hi AJ, wait for 2-3 days for Markets to settle, they have been reacting to the Markets lately
Chandra Says:
January 6th, 2011
Posted at: 10:00 pm
ok..any calls for tomorrow?
Reddy Says:
January 6th, 2011
Posted at: 10:06 pm
Hi Kartik, is it safe to buy and hold SEInvestment ltd script for longterm hold. Kindly advice.
Ram M Says:
January 6th, 2011
Posted at: 10:13 pm
Hi Kartik, thanx a lot.... I read a few books & also understood a bit. But how to apply that practically that is the problem...Plz guide me which type of charts (candlestick, etc) shud i look at for intraday trading signals from "Sharekhan Trade Tiger Terminal" (since i use sharekhan & there are many, 1day, 3day, 5day, etc & also 1min, 5min, 10min, etc). Also which type of studys shud i add to give signals.... Also is there any other free software for chart reading....
raja Says:
January 6th, 2011
Posted at: 10:20 pm
short dlf@278 if market open higher whatcan do or can iplace order for 275 @openingor wait for time
bj arun Says:
January 6th, 2011
Posted at: 10:23 pm
cb when petrol company ll start tto move i badly stuck with hpcl at 435 ... last 4 months its facing selling pressure
Kartik Says:
January 6th, 2011
Posted at: 10:31 pm
Hi Chandra, not yet
Hi Reddy, no, dont enter it yet, it has been very volatile lately
Hi Ram M, you can start with candlestick charts, you may have a look at 1 and 5 minute charts, look for Double tops and bottoms (these are know as resistance levels & support levels), once the candle breaks the resistance level, its likely to move further higher and if it breaks the support levels, its likely to move lower, along with this you may use RSI and MACD, they can help you to future predict stocks/indexes
Kartik Says:
January 6th, 2011
Posted at: 10:32 pm
Hi bj arun, it might take some more time, currently too Oil companies are facing losses, if possible hold it for 3-4 months time
kiru Says:
January 6th, 2011
Posted at: 10:50 pm
I hold SBI at 2710. let me know whether any recovery till 2800 is possible by this jan end
AJAY Says:
January 6th, 2011
Posted at: 10:52 pm
sir i want a sher marekat porfasnal in cariyar for which tarning compani giude me.