Intraday calls for 06-01-11
Markets likely to open flat
Sell Alstom Projects at 730, Target: 720, SL 738 – Book profits at 720
1:50pm: Book profits in Nifty 6100 PUT at 123
Nifty Index/Future Live Chart with RSI and MACD – Click to view
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avinash Says:
January 6th, 2011
Posted at: 3:37 pm
banks down trend will be continue for some more time?
bj arun Says:
January 6th, 2011
Posted at: 3:47 pm
cb what is the strong supportfor rec .. i badly stuck with 375 .. cmp is 265
Anand Says:
January 6th, 2011
Posted at: 3:48 pm
Hi CB,
Wat price can HUL see tom
Trade4444 Says:
January 6th, 2011
Posted at: 3:52 pm
Dear Karthik,
Is Selling Options a good strategy in all kinds of market?
I have been selling GVK Power Calls and Puts every month and making some good money. And in any month it does not vary by more than 2 or 3 Rs.
nv Says:
January 6th, 2011
Posted at: 3:56 pm
How does Open Interest change in the case of European Options ?
As options can only be exercised only during expiry ?
yogi Says:
January 6th, 2011
Posted at: 3:57 pm
Hi CB, cb sir nag con avilable at 141.30 can i buy
January 6th, 2011
Posted at: 4:22 pm
Hi CB Sir,
which is the better level to enter sbi for shorterm.
thavva Says:
January 6th, 2011
Posted at: 4:41 pm
Is it right time to sell tcs?
CB Says:
January 6th, 2011
Posted at: 4:56 pm
Hi avinash, bank nifty has support at 11000-11100. possible sees a small bounce from here
Hi bj arun, yes, looks weak below 275. seems may take some time to recover
Hi Anand, can add 5-6rs
Hi Trade4444, no, loss is unlimited in this case. you can do this in the last week of expiry and gain with help of the time decay factor
Hi nv, hope this helps:
Hi yogi, enter it tomorrow at opening near 141
Hi ARAVIND, enter it above 2650
Hi thavva, no, not yet.
smh Says:
January 6th, 2011
Posted at: 5:03 pm
cb, i am holding voltas fut @ 224 & GSPL @ 120 & colgate pal @ 869 pls guide should i exit on cost...
praveen Says:
January 6th, 2011
Posted at: 5:24 pm
hi cb i bought icicibank 1050 call at 46. should i hold or sell tmrrow. what should be stop loss
praveen Says:
January 6th, 2011
Posted at: 5:26 pm
is any recovery is possible in banking stocks?
divyesh Says:
January 6th, 2011
Posted at: 5:31 pm
Hi Cb Can u see some upside of hindoilexp or down side have to square the position
NKs Says:
January 6th, 2011
Posted at: 5:54 pm
Dear CB,
REC LTD bought @ 294/- closed at 265/- level now wht to do with this stock? will it bounce back tomorrow? Market will open UP tomorrow or down?
Trade4444 Says:
January 6th, 2011
Posted at: 6:00 pm
Dear Karthik,
Pls tell the Ranges in which the following stocks generally trade -
1. Nagarjuna Fert
2. KS Oil
3. Ispat Ind
4. Alok Textiles
5. FSL
CB Says:
January 6th, 2011
Posted at: 6:14 pm
Hi smh, it is likely we see some bounce from current levels. for now hold it. keep them for 2-3 days
Hi praveen, hold it. keep sl near 1040. could see short covering
Hi divyesh, yes, its a hold for now. has support at 225 levels. can see some bounce from here.
Hi NKs, markets may open a bit higher. rec is going a bit weak. seems may take some time to recover
Hi MICKY, yes, did come down quite a bit. yes, seems like markets may open a bit higher tomorrow.
Hi Trade4444, ks oil has resistance at 51. ispat around 20-25. alok 25-31. not sure of fsl yet.