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449,907 Responses


  1. CB Says:
    March 15th, 2017
    Posted at: 10:52 am

    Hi Ashok, can add sme of hdil

  2. ann Says:
    March 15th, 2017
    Posted at: 10:55 am

    thanks for your views sir. Any stock for fresh buy?

    CB, replies: Hi ann, most welcome. can add some of hdil for now ************************************** ill be back in 1 hour

  3. subrat Says:
    March 15th, 2017
    Posted at: 11:07 am

    In midterm hdil what lvl test?? Can I hold even if test above 79 ??? As in u r intraday section u gave for tgt 79 ??

    CB, replies: Hi subrat, yes. can test 88-90 in med term

  4. jesal raval Says:
    March 15th, 2017
    Posted at: 11:25 am

    is mt educare to be entered now

    CB, replies: Hi jesal raval, not yet. looks weak.

  5. nishant Says:
    March 15th, 2017
    Posted at: 11:29 am

    Hi nishant, can u tell me the date..dividend credited in my account???

    CB, replies: Hi nishant,It will be credited after the record date. not really sure of any such stocks as of now

  6. nishant Says:
    March 15th, 2017
    Posted at: 11:54 am

    sir plz suggest me the stocks from which I get interim dividend who's record date is pending....

    CB, replies: Hi nishant,It will be credited after the record date. not really sure of any such stocks as of now

  7. Ashok Says:
    March 15th, 2017
    Posted at: 1:10 pm

    Sir, Target and time frame for HDIL pls.


    CB, replies: Hi Ashok, in short term can head upto 80-82.

  8. Zubair Says:
    March 15th, 2017
    Posted at: 1:11 pm

    any fresh buy for today, cb

    CB, replies: Hi Zubair, no, nothing new yet

  9. Zubair Says:
    March 15th, 2017
    Posted at: 1:19 pm

    which one wiil be a better buy

    CB, replies: Hi Zubair, can add some of shobha and hdil

  10. Zubair Says:
    March 15th, 2017
    Posted at: 1:22 pm

    thank you, sl for shobha and hdil

    CB, replies: Hi Zubair, most welcome. these are in an uptrend. can add 50% for now. in case see a small dip, shall add more. *********************************************** ill be back in some time

  11. Shree Says:
    March 15th, 2017
    Posted at: 1:27 pm

    please advise for my Ashok Ley & PTC holding.

    CB, replies: Hi Shree, ashok above 92.5 can test 96. ptc above 89 can test 95. hold for now

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