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449,907 Responses


  1. jems Says:
    March 14th, 2017
    Posted at: 11:55 am

    Hi cb.. Reliance can see 1320 today?

    CB, replies: Hi jems, can test 1310 it seems

  2. DR ABHIJIT Says:
    March 14th, 2017
    Posted at: 11:57 am

    3 LOTS OF ARVIND CE 410 @ 7.60 NOW AT 5.8

    3 LOTS OF RCOM CE 47.5 @ 0.40 NOW AT 0.1

    3 LOTS OF TV18BRDCST CE 45 @ 0.7 NOW AT 0.4

    ASHOKLEY CE 100 @ 1.15 NOW AT 0.6
    TATASTEEL CE 550 @ 1.90 NOW AT 0.4

    CB, replies: Hi DR ABHIJIT, Good morning. yes, hope you doing good too. arvind is a hold for now. can bounce back from 390. rcom lets hold for now. dont add more. tv18 can test 42.5-43. ashok leyland keep sl near 90. tata steel exit if breaks 470

  3. CB Says:
    March 14th, 2017
    Posted at: 12:06 pm

    Hi DR ABHIJIT, Good morning. yes, hope you doing good too. arvind is a hold for now. can bounce back from 390. rcom lets hold for now. dont add more. tv18 can test 42.5-43. ashok leyland keep sl near 90. tata steel exit if breaks 470

    Hi jems, can test 1310 it seems

    Hi gbhat, Good morning. these are going a bit weak. best to avoid for now.

  4. Zubair Says:
    March 14th, 2017
    Posted at: 12:17 pm

    hi cb risa international right now trading at 1.25 ,is it worth a buy at this price or should i wait for some time

    CB, replies: Hi Zubair, yes. its a good bet. can add 50% for now

  5. Zubair Says:
    March 14th, 2017
    Posted at: 12:18 pm

    and you told to invest for med term , i ,mean how much time should i keep invessted in it?

    CB, replies: Hi Zubair, yes. its a good bet. can add 50% for now

  6. sandhyasagar Says:
    March 14th, 2017
    Posted at: 12:21 pm

    sir.todays target for jubillant food.

    CB, replies: Hi sandhyasagar, if breaks 1090 can fall further. on the upside can test 1110. sl near 1090 ******************************************* ill be back in some time

  7. Zubair Says:
    March 14th, 2017
    Posted at: 12:28 pm

    cb can you tell me how much amt of shares are worth buying?

    CB, replies: Hi Zubair, can invest 50% of whatever you planned to invest in it. being a penny stocks its always risky.

  8. Suraj thulasidas Says:
    March 14th, 2017
    Posted at: 12:35 pm

    Hi ,

    1.what about HDIL ,Is there is any chance to go UP?
    2.RBL bank have any buying opportunity, now almost doubled from open price .
    3.Can u please tell me some good shares have low PE ration?

    CB, replies: Hi Suraj thulasidas, yes. hdil can test 80-81 in coming days. not sure of a fresh entry in rbl bank nw. shall look for stocks will low pe value and let you knw

  9. Mayank Says:
    March 14th, 2017
    Posted at: 12:59 pm

    Hello Sir,

    What is your view on Coal India and Sugar stocks ?

    CB, replies: Hi Mayank, coal could test 290. sugar stocks are a buy on dips. best to avoid fresh entry for now

  10. Chirag Says:
    March 14th, 2017
    Posted at: 1:02 pm

    Hi cb sir
    9100 ce target plz or sl

    CB, replies: Hi Chirag, can test 9120

  11. subrat Says:
    March 14th, 2017
    Posted at: 2:13 pm

    What is this mkt new highs but Jain llimited up?? Is it means will go down in near term??
    As u said instead of long run to use so 88 ,,shall I exit sooner than use so stoploss ?? Want to switch again to hdil 68 lvl but u were most time unavailable...

    CB, replies: Hi subrat, its a hold for now. can add few of hdil for now. ****************************************** ill be bck in some time

  12. Chirag Says:
    March 14th, 2017
    Posted at: 2:37 pm

    Hi cb sir
    Now nifty 9100 call hold ya exit

    CB, replies: Hi Chirag, exit for now..

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