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400%+ returns: Urja Global, Nila infra, Control Print & more..

Posted on: February 17th, 2018 at 3:32 pm

All below calls were freely recommend in our Penny stock section.

  • Urja global one of our recommended penny stocks given at the rate of 1.08 is currently trading at 5.29. It has given returns of almost 400% in 2 months.
  • Nila Infrastructures was recommended at 1.69 and is currently trading at 28.
  • Cords Cable Industries was recommended at 18.45 in the year 2014 and currently is trading at 127.20
  • Control print was recommended at 44 and is currently trading at 474 levels.
  • Tyche Industries was recommended at 19.90 and is currently trading at 130 levels.
  • Fluidomat was recommended at 19.60 and is currently trading at 194.
  • Confidence petroleum was recommended at 7 and is currently trading at 32.
  • Jasch Industries was recommended at 15.80 and is currently trading at 74
  • Cenlub Industries was recommended at 20 and is currently trading at 75.

And a few more calls were given. We started giving penny stock calls since September 2009. Other calls have also given decent returns. 2-3 calls had gone the wrong way and we had given an exit. All calls given were fundamentally analyzed. We do not believe in recommending stocks that are usually mass SMS’d to many so they can be operated by few individuals.

With 1,00,000+ stock query answered we request all our users to avoid any investment in operator driven stocksA classic example of such a stock is Steel Exchange of India. It was also over whats-app and SMS’s asking to enter at current market price few days ago when it was trading at 110-120 levels. After hitting a high of 133, stock was continuously on lower circuits until Thursday (21-12-17) not giving investors a chance to exit. Currently it is trading at 34.80. With the mass messaging, insiders/ operators were exiting their stocks in small lots and small investors were entering it unaware of whats going on actually. (This is what I believe). If you go through the fundamentals, company has an ever increasing debt from 356cr in March’13 to 892.49cr in March’17. Company also posted a loss of 157cr in March’17. Only look to invest in this stock once company starts reducing debt and making some profits. Would advice all investors to be aware of such messages and emails.

Please any stock fundamentally for investing or ask us over our “Your-Queries” page, if you have any doubts.

We will be giving penny calls on the website regularly. For additional calls, you may subscribe to our penny calls subscription, *** which is a lifetime membership ****. Calls given will be fundamentally analyzed and holding period usually would be around 3-9 months. After booking partial profits, we would advice to continue to hold for long term if possible.

You may review all calls given on our site here.

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