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Intraday calls for 22-06-09

Posted on: June 22nd, 2009 at 9:21 am

Buy Kingfisher Airlines at 52, target: 55. Stoploss: 51
Buy Chambal Fertilisers at 62.70, target: 66. Stoploss: 61.80

If markets show weakness later during the day, short sell: Nagarjuna Construction below 120.

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370 Responses

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  1. abs Says:
    June 22nd, 2009
    Posted at: 8:26 pm

    hello CB, wht target we can see abt Unitech in short term?is it a good buy?

  2. CB Says:
    June 22nd, 2009
    Posted at: 9:40 pm

    Hi abs.. wait for some more time before buying it.

  3. Akki Says:
    June 22nd, 2009
    Posted at: 9:40 pm

    sir sorry was not on the whole day just came back home and saw the closing of the market and what an bad day even now the dow is down what else is expected are we going to close below 4200 tmrw??? this time expiry would be the werse what are your views can you give me some update on how are we are going to perform now??? which call or put tp buy for this expiry to cover up my 4600 call loss??? please advice:)

  4. Akki Says:
    June 22nd, 2009
    Posted at: 9:42 pm

    our markets are at a discount what can be done now????? are there more of shorting what does market in premium and discount mean??? please advice on our market

  5. CB Says:
    June 22nd, 2009
    Posted at: 9:51 pm

    Hi Akki, if we break 4200 we could slip to 4100 levels.. Expiry will be volatile.. we will follow global queues tomorrow..

  6. aneesh Says:
    June 22nd, 2009
    Posted at: 9:53 pm

    hai sir i have hdil 290@ 243 and aban 30@1063 can i expect to sell these shares before budget give me suggestion

  7. ibrahim Says:
    June 22nd, 2009
    Posted at: 10:58 pm

    hi cb my capital amount is going down day by day what to do now should i book loss and wait for big correction after correction enter again in the market and buy same stock at lower level because we follow global market and global queues are not good Asia America Europe all markets r going down and dollar is going strong,with this correction maybe we r reaching to bear market or u know better may be or may not be this correction is just till budget . please reply me

  8. ibrahim Says:
    June 22nd, 2009
    Posted at: 11:08 pm

    i loss 30% from my capital amount while holding the stocks i think 4150, 4100 or 4050 is last trigger for me

  9. CB Says:
    June 22nd, 2009
    Posted at: 11:23 pm

    Hi aneesh, hold it for couple of weeks..

    Hi ibrahimnafeesaadil, if we break 4200 we could see 4100 levels. I would advice to hold ur stocks and if possible avg them on dips.. markets will eventually move higher in coming days.

  10. DANISH Says:
    June 22nd, 2009
    Posted at: 11:27 pm

    hi cb sir i have bajaj hindustan 400@212, hold or book loss.

  11. CB Says:
    June 22nd, 2009
    Posted at: 11:37 pm

    Hi DANISH, its a hold..if possible avg on dips

  12. akansha Says:
    June 23rd, 2009
    Posted at: 12:02 am

    Hi Cb, what about NOIDA TOLL ? bought at 46..

  13. Suzane Says:
    June 23rd, 2009
    Posted at: 12:10 am

    Hello dear, how are you?
    I too have lost a lot, now please suggest me one thing, what will be the nature of market after budget. Is it sure that sensex will boom up? If yes than suggest me which r the best scrips which will give me high returns. What about kalindee rail coz rail budget is on 1st july. Give me the best of the best scrip that will 100% grow up.

  14. CB Says:
    June 23rd, 2009
    Posted at: 12:42 am

    Hi akansha, hold it for short term. .

    Hi Suzane, markets are likely to be volatile till Budget..an upmove after budget depends only on how the budget shapes up.. as of now we saw a correction because of no rainfall in the north region which is causing lot of concerns..

  15. Narendra MUdiraj Says:
    July 15th, 2009
    Posted at: 12:40 pm

    hi cb sir, im holding ifci,hcc,dena bank, @ 57,109,56 respecitvely shall i exit now or is there any scope for them to increase

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