Quotes with Resistance & Support
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Intraday calls for 15-06-11

Posted on: June 15th, 2011 at 8:36 am

Markets likely to open flat, Support for nifty is at 5450 and resistance at 5540

Buy Bajaj Auto at 1372, Target: 1388, SL 1360

11.11am – Technical call on MRPL has been posted. Short term target: 86

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642 Responses

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  1. suzane Says:
    June 15th, 2011
    Posted at: 5:58 pm

    Hi CB, where are you CB ??
    today am trapped badly in TIL with huge loss.
    I bought first at 518 , it started falling badly .. i was assuming it to hit upper circuit
    after that i started averaging it and till the end of day i bought and holding 1300 shares at an average of 504 ( am holding it for the next day)
    what do u think ?? will it move up tommorow ?? am worried for this looking at its intraday graph it made a mountain.
    plz guide me for this i have to square off IDEA and i exit from it at around 78.9 ( booked profit) now guide me for TIL plz

  2. Rise Says:
    June 15th, 2011
    Posted at: 6:01 pm

    sir target for Itc tomm?

  3. suzane Says:
    June 15th, 2011
    Posted at: 6:02 pm

    Even Bought AANJANEYA ... what can u say about it tommorow ??
    i bought that as if it can cover some losses of mine.

  4. r h Says:
    June 15th, 2011
    Posted at: 6:12 pm

    Sir what about tomorrow market i m holding 5500 CALL at 71 Rs. now has come down to 53.5 Rs. also holding HDIL 180 CALL in very huge quantity(12,000) at 2.85 rs. today closed at 2.5 rs.
    i m in loss in both script. Please suggest what should i do tomorrow exit with loss or continue hold.. ?

  5. PRABU Says:
    June 15th, 2011
    Posted at: 6:23 pm

    sir, i bought reliance at 930.ur view of reliance.and lot are say it will go to 4800.is it possible
    ?bz most stocks in tear low please give ur suggestion.

  6. himanshu Says:
    June 15th, 2011
    Posted at: 6:38 pm

    hey cb... nifty breaks the support today
    wat will b strategy for tomorrow???

  7. VINIT Says:
    June 15th, 2011
    Posted at: 6:38 pm


  8. vijayk Says:
    June 15th, 2011
    Posted at: 6:49 pm

    CB/Kartik, FICCI chairman expressed concern on RBI rate hike...

    ..................On the eve of credit policy review by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), industry body Ficci today warned that any further hike in interest rates would "destabilise" industrial growth and weaken the economy.

    In a letter to RBI Governor D Subbarao, Chairman of Ficci Finance Committee Udayan Bose has said that recent evidence of slowdown in cement sales, dip in steel imports and increasing inventories of automobile, have all created a negative perception.

    With a "depressed" confidence level, the Corporate India is looking for clear direction and signposts that highlight growth measures.

    While successive interest rate hikes by the RBI since March 2010, have not been able to control inflation, "aggressive monetary tightening is having an adverse bearing on economic and industrial growth of the country".

    Another worrisome trend is the slowdown in growth of gross fixed capital formation. "The pace of investments is a key determining factor for overall growth, and once it loses momentum, it is difficult to bring it back," Bose said.

    Ficci's comments come in the wake of expectations of a rate hike by the RBI tomorrow, for the tenth time in the last 15 months, without much success in taming a stubbornly high inflation, recorded at 9.06% in May.

  9. Chinny Says:
    June 15th, 2011
    Posted at: 6:50 pm

    GE All,

    Holding JP futures 2 lots with 2.5rs loss. What to do?
    Bought 5 lots of MRPL 85 call @ 0.75. Can we see up move even in negative market?
    Dow is showing 120 points down. Can we see gap down opening and further down tomorrow?

  10. sanjai Says:
    June 15th, 2011
    Posted at: 7:03 pm

    hi wat is the fate of JPASSOCIAT?

  11. CB Says:
    June 15th, 2011
    Posted at: 7:15 pm

    Hi Rise, it has resistance at 390-400 levels. don’t enter it yet.

    Hi Gitanjali, always welcome. Wish the best for you and your family too

    Hi MICKY, ranbaxy can add 5-7rs tomorrow. don’t short tulip yet. as of now seems like a flattish opening tomorrow

    Hi Madhav, yes, likely to add some tomorrow

    Hi CA.Tejas, yes, they are good bets. hold onto them. reliance is near good support levels. can expect some bounce from here

    Hi richa, ok. if there is a .25basis hike markets could see some upmove. hold it for now

    Hi Wahid, around 120

    Hi Dhaval, everonn can see 552 if markets are good. don't enter riil yet

    Hi SM, it does look a bit weak. don't add more yet

    Hi Gitanjali, yes, lets see how it goes tomorrow. hopefully should see some upmove

    Hi shiva, enter after the result of rbi rate hike

    Hi suzane, oh ok. for now hold it. don't add more of it yet. it can see an upmove tomorrow if markets are a bit flat/ positive. not sure about AANJANEYA

    Hi Rise, can see 196.50

    Hi r h, as of now seems may open a bit flat. if news of rbi meet is positive tomorrow, calls will do well. at opening hedge these with couple of 5300 puts

    Hi PRABU, fundamentally its a strong bet. hold it for short/ med term. will recover back. strong support near 880

    Hi vijayk, thanks for the update

    Hi Chinny, ok. hold it. hedge jp for now with a 80 put. as of now seems may open a bit flat tomorrow. will take queues from outcome of rbi meet

    Hi sanjai, it can see 88 in short term. strong supprot at 79

  12. arun bj Says:
    June 15th, 2011
    Posted at: 7:25 pm

    cb can i enter 920 call of reliance . . Near 988 . . Which i last time low . . . Today i bought tata motor call 1050 . What is the two days target for tata motor . .

  13. Rise Says:
    June 15th, 2011
    Posted at: 7:32 pm

    thnk u sir... :)

  14. himanshu Says:
    June 15th, 2011
    Posted at: 7:34 pm

    hey cb
    how to trade in nifty tomorrow??

  15. sanjeev Says:
    June 15th, 2011
    Posted at: 7:39 pm

    Your message...

  16. Chinny Says:
    June 15th, 2011
    Posted at: 7:42 pm

    Hi CB, Thanks. No risk of holding MRPL 85 call in week markets?

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