Quotes with Resistance & Support
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Intraday calls for 10-03-11

Posted on: March 10th, 2011 at 8:35 am

Markets likely to open flat, Nifty has resistance at 5580 and support at 5480

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508 Responses

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  1. SS Says:
    March 10th, 2011
    Posted at: 11:37 pm

    Hi Karthik, I am holding Diamines @92 & Kanpur Plastipac @ 46. What will be the future of these stocks??? How long i need to wait to get resonable profit???

  2. sourabh Says:
    March 11th, 2011
    Posted at: 12:03 am

    what is the tommorow target of aban.....

  3. Sunil Rao Says:
    March 11th, 2011
    Posted at: 12:10 am

    Good Evening Kartik :)

    Dow retests today's earlier low and manages to break it ...

  4. ginny Says:
    March 11th, 2011
    Posted at: 12:21 am

    Target for inndian hotel

  5. CB Says:
    March 11th, 2011
    Posted at: 1:48 am

    Hi sekhar, 28 is good

    Hi SS, yes, will need to hold them for 2-3 months time frame. once midcaps start moving, they will do well

    Hi sourabh, seems may open 10-12rs lower

    Hi Sunil Rao, Yes..

    Hi ginny, looks weak as of now. dont enter it yet.

  6. Trade4444 Says:
    March 11th, 2011
    Posted at: 6:54 am

    Dear Karthik,
    Selling Options is better comparatively ?

    1. Like Unitech CMP=38 so 42.50call=0.65 and 32.50put=0.65 ( both = 1.30/- ) for lot size of 4000, we would get 5200/-.

    2. Like GVK Power CMP=26 so 30call=0.40 and 25put=0.40 ( both = 0.80 ) for lot size of 8000, we would get 6400/-.

    Please advise.

  7. thavva Says:
    March 11th, 2011
    Posted at: 7:16 am

    Hi CB, Good morning. world markets closed and trading in Red. Shall i enter put on opening? and exit call?

  8. s bhattacharya Says:
    March 11th, 2011
    Posted at: 8:10 am

    i have TATAMOTOR PE of 1100 ( 20 lots ) @ 26 Should i exit in the morning trade ?

  9. Kb Says:
    March 11th, 2011
    Posted at: 8:22 am

    Hi Kartik, karthik. i need a small help, to calculate the live implied vol of all options in excel .. all formula is ready. . just need a macro for goal seek, so that we can calculate imp vol from live price .. . i Donn know to write macro. . please help. my i send u the excel ??

    or any other option is there? to get the real time imp vol??

  10. Kartik Says:
    March 11th, 2011
    Posted at: 8:33 am

    Hi Trade4444, theoretically they look impressive but practically they rarely work, try tracking them for a while

    Hi thavva, enter if we open below 5450

    Hi s bhattacharya, continue to hold it for another 1-2 days, faces strong support at 1150

    Hi Kb, by imp vol do you meant the highly traded options?

  11. Kb Says:
    March 11th, 2011
    Posted at: 8:47 am

    Hi Kartik, ya .. option pricing model. . need to find out the imp volatility of options in real time. .. to find out whether it is under priced/ over priced .. also to know about the over all market action ..


    every thing is ready, just need a macro .. goal seek .. .:(

  12. Kartik Says:
    March 11th, 2011
    Posted at: 8:48 am

    Hi Kb, hmm, you can send me at [email protected] I shall give it a try

  13. Kb Says:
    March 11th, 2011
    Posted at: 8:51 am

    Hi Kartik, wow.. thanks.. cool.. may i send it in cb's id ?? might be easy for u, but i donn know programming ..

  14. Kartik Says:
    March 11th, 2011
    Posted at: 8:52 am

    Hi Kb, sure, not a problem

  15. Kb Says:
    March 11th, 2011
    Posted at: 8:53 am

    Hi Kartik, thanks. . will send u in 30 minutes. . thanks again ..

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