Quotes with Resistance & Support
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Intraday calls for 09-10-12

Posted on: October 9th, 2012 at 8:13 am

Markets likely to open higher, Support at 5640, resistance at 5710

Buy Shasun Pharmaceuticals around 165, Target: 172, SL 161

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Now get Intraday, Pre-market and market hour calls instantly through SMS for as low as for 1500rs for 3 months
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692 Responses

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  1. Be!ng Human Says:
    October 9th, 2012
    Posted at: 8:25 pm

    Hi komsid, Y'r always welcome Bro :)

    Hi sanzy, GE.

  2. Naran Says:
    October 9th, 2012
    Posted at: 8:25 pm

    Hi Be!ng Human, Thanks for your views. I am also holding some 5700 pe...

  3. Be!ng Human Says:
    October 9th, 2012
    Posted at: 8:31 pm

    Hi Naran, Y'r always most welcome. Me too in same way. I guess Nifty will break 5640/5600 in this very week but still it's my personal opinion. Let's wait and watch. Wish u all the best :)

  4. richerich Says:
    October 9th, 2012
    Posted at: 8:33 pm

    hi..based on positive news on educomp ..just bought 1k shrs @ 171..can i hold it for short term or sell it with minimum profits.

  5. ranjan Says:
    October 9th, 2012
    Posted at: 8:50 pm

    hi being human... stock strategy from badri (businessline) INFY 2650CE SELL 53 INFY 2400PE SELL 50 TOTAL PREMIUM 103*125= 12875 IS IT CORRECT? PLEASE SUGGEST ME...

  6. kb trader Says:
    October 9th, 2012
    Posted at: 8:55 pm

    heyyyyyyyy cbbbbbbbb

  7. sonu Says:
    October 9th, 2012
    Posted at: 8:56 pm

    Hai CB/Being Human
    Holding 5 lots of DLF 250ce @ 3.3/-
    What should be my strategy

  8. Kartik Says:
    October 9th, 2012
    Posted at: 8:56 pm

    Hi cvrprakash, Polaris faces resistance at 138-140, can be entered above that, avoid Hexaware for now

    Hi richerich, continue to hold it with a SL at 168 (strong support at 170), can add some gains if Markets continue to trade strong ahead

    Hi kb trader, GE

  9. Kartik Says:
    October 9th, 2012
    Posted at: 8:57 pm

    Hi sonu, would be better to try to exit on rise tomorrow, as there hsa been negative news on it lately and also looks weak technically

  10. amit Says:
    October 9th, 2012
    Posted at: 8:57 pm

    thought of sharing this over here.. IMF World economic report.. plz Dont take this as THE NEWS to trade market


  11. Be!ng Human Says:
    October 9th, 2012
    Posted at: 9:01 pm

    Hi ranjan, Hello... Yes, that's correct strategy and is risky. Instead of that, u can buy calls and puts in 1:2 rather than selling in options as lot of margin is required to do so... Another dis-advantage is, If INFY rises on result's day, the call will double or triple[lets say fro 50-150] but ur put will shrink only 50-70% [Let's say 20/22]on that day which makes a net loss of Rs.70 on each lot if u write options.
    Hence, I prefer buying calls and puts rather than shorting/writing them.

    Hi sonu, Yaar, don't enter in DLF for some period as it's facing some critical issues. Re-enter later in dips and as of now exit from it by tomorrow.

    Hi Kartik, Good evening.

  12. Be!ng Human Says:
    October 9th, 2012
    Posted at: 9:03 pm

    Hi ranjan, If u wish to write options, do it with far OTM calls and puts, just 15 days before that particular contract expiry period.. Good luck.

  13. NH Says:
    October 9th, 2012
    Posted at: 9:07 pm

    US Markets are in Red...:-)

  14. Kartik Says:
    October 9th, 2012
    Posted at: 9:09 pm

  15. rt Says:
    October 9th, 2012
    Posted at: 9:12 pm

    hi cb/kartik
    i have a short on bpcl @360 what shall i do...?

  16. vikrant Says:
    October 9th, 2012
    Posted at: 9:13 pm

    HI being human
    CB sir
    karthik sir
    & kb trader
    is there any site where we can play the stock market game like buying and selling of stocks on current values pls do reply if one one of u know

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