Quotes with Resistance & Support
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Intraday calls for 05-04-13

Posted on: April 5th, 2013 at 8:35 am

Markets likely to open flat, resistance for Nifty at 5620

Buy Ajanta Pharma around 732, target: 748, SL 720

10.48am – Buy SBI at 2077, target: 2100. Stoploss: 2060 – (Continue to hold SBI.)

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270 Responses

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  1. NH Says:
    April 5th, 2013
    Posted at: 4:33 pm

    How are you Cb?

  2. CB Says:
    April 5th, 2013
    Posted at: 5:11 pm

    Hi NH, I am doing good. hope all is well on your side too

  3. Shanavas Says:
    April 5th, 2013
    Posted at: 6:45 pm

    hi cb any hope for Hindalco Industries i have 250 no @101 is it hold or sold now if its hold when i can see 105 or 106 target for this ?

  4. vickys Says:
    April 5th, 2013
    Posted at: 6:46 pm

    Hi CB,

    Jaguar march sell is record high in UK, shall we enter to tatamotor or tatamotor DVR on monday morning?

  5. msj Says:
    April 5th, 2013
    Posted at: 6:51 pm

    cb hiiii there r any chance to come back bank nifty at 11390 I have 12 lots in buying pls tell

  6. anii Says:
    April 5th, 2013
    Posted at: 6:58 pm

    Hi CB, by seeing global markets deep cuts it looks like another 100 points more fall is there to come 5450. what do you say?

  7. sekaralam Says:
    April 5th, 2013
    Posted at: 7:09 pm

    Monday nifty may be will gap down (breaking point 5525-5450) market big fall, sep'12
    date 13,14 th market gap up, so in this time gap down break the points nifty next support
    5210, 2-3 month target

    may be gap down open island +cup formed

  8. CB Says:
    April 5th, 2013
    Posted at: 7:26 pm

    Hi Shanavas, below 100 it looks weak and seems may take a while to recover, if possible hold it for short/mid term

    Hi vickys, Tata motors look weak overall, would be better toa void it

    Hi msj, chances look slip, hold your long with a SL at 10980

  9. Vishal Says:
    April 5th, 2013
    Posted at: 7:27 pm

    Hi CB, Sir. TRIL closed at 91. Further 3 Rs. down. Wht to do? Exit and buy something else. I bought it at 100 and now 10% down already :(

  10. sekaralam Says:
    April 5th, 2013
    Posted at: 7:35 pm

    Hi CB, market below 200 dma

  11. sekaralam Says:
    April 5th, 2013
    Posted at: 7:37 pm

    Hi sekaralam, dow , ftc,cac, dax, big falling sr

  12. sekaralam Says:
    April 5th, 2013
    Posted at: 7:40 pm

    Hi Vishal, dow , ftc,cac, dax, big falling sr

  13. vishnu Says:
    April 5th, 2013
    Posted at: 7:41 pm

    NEW YORK, April 5 (Reuters) - U.S. stocks fell more than 1 percent at the open on Friday, following a payroll report that was much weaker than expected, the latest in a series of reports to indicate that economic growth may be losing momentum.

  14. ravinder Says:
    April 5th, 2013
    Posted at: 8:15 pm

    sir I would like to know if maruti is still buy thanks

  15. Prashant Says:
    April 5th, 2013
    Posted at: 8:20 pm


    What do U mean by Double Top & Double Bottom and Triple Top and Triple Bottom


  16. Raunak Says:
    April 5th, 2013
    Posted at: 8:48 pm

    hi :) wat opinions of GMR infra ? where do u see it at the end of the month ??

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