Quotes with Resistance & Support
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Intraday calls for 01-04-14

Posted on: April 1st, 2014 at 8:21 am

Markets likely to open flat, Resistance for nifty is at 6720 and support at 6630.

Buy Gati around 80.80, target: 84, SL 79.4 – (book profit in Gati at 83)

Currently traveling, so wont be able to come online till evening.

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310 Responses

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  1. amit Says:
    April 1st, 2014
    Posted at: 10:49 pm

    What tO do in bf utilities now...
    Pls suggest me cb...
    I hav @ 735, should i sell it tomorrow.

  2. CB Says:
    April 1st, 2014
    Posted at: 10:50 pm

    Hi amit, it does look good technically. hold for some more time. will do well

  3. nitin kumar Says:
    April 1st, 2014
    Posted at: 10:54 pm

    need to know about banks tomorrow.

  4. your chela Says:
    April 1st, 2014
    Posted at: 10:54 pm

    Hi your chela, have you hedged these?
    sorry me isko samaj nahi paya aap kya kah rahe ho

  5. amit Says:
    April 1st, 2014
    Posted at: 10:55 pm

    Please suggest me clearly...
    I m so nervous because i hav hold it from 2 yrs and waiting for this level...

  6. nitin kumar Says:
    April 1st, 2014
    Posted at: 10:56 pm

    what is your view for banks.

    will it rally

  7. ND Says:
    April 1st, 2014
    Posted at: 11:12 pm

    Hi Sir,
    I am holding 6400 and 6350 put at higher rate for april series. Please guide if you see any chance to nifty at lower level in this series.

  8. GAURAV Says:
    April 1st, 2014
    Posted at: 11:13 pm

    What do you think about GATI will it go above 95 within 2 to 3 days

  9. ravi Says:
    April 1st, 2014
    Posted at: 11:14 pm

    HI CB, HOLDING , tata global beverages @ 144, bombay dyen @ 56 , andhra bank @ 64 cipla @ 392 , unitech @ 16.5 kindly advice upto what lvl tata can further move and at what lvl other stock can move are they good bets .can i add unitech to avgor it will slip down

  10. ravi Says:
    April 1st, 2014
    Posted at: 11:28 pm

    hi cb, sorry one more question can i enter monnet ispat if yes what should be my stop loss

  11. CHANGE Says:
    April 1st, 2014
    Posted at: 11:52 pm

    Hello Sir,
    Want to buy future..
    which stock should i buy...
    what will be stop loss..


  12. JunkBox Says:
    April 2nd, 2014
    Posted at: 12:37 am

    CB /Robotguy , Sirs I entered 2 Lots of 1500 each PE of 6500 Nifty today (-ve/loss ) to hedge my Long CE Positions (+ve/ profit) of NTPC/Tata Global/Unitech /ONGC/Titan, Now should I add if market goes up to the Nifty PE's of Same 6500 or higher or sit tight and wait for Nifty to come down to exit or wait for Expiry

  13. CA.TEJAS Says:
    April 2nd, 2014
    Posted at: 6:24 am

    I hv received the following technicals calls - which one u will suggest to enter:

    1. Ambuja Cement CMP 201 tgt 222 sl 185
    2. Bharat Forge CMP422 tgt 460 sl 375
    3. HUL CMP 604 tgt 645 sl 580
    4. L&T cmp 1273 tgt 1370 sl 1190
    5. RIL CMP 930 tgt 980 sl 875
    6. SBI CMP 1918 tgt 2070 sl 1760
    7. Sun Pharma CMP 573 tgt 608 sl 545
    8. TATA Steel cmp 393 tgt 435 sl 365
    9. TCS cmp 2128 tgt 2290 sl 1970
    10. Yes Bank 414 tgt 450 sl 375

    In all the above cases CMP is of 31st March 2014.... Stock has been recommended from one month point of view..

    Which of the above stock u will say for BUY....

    Thanks in advance for your support.

  14. Kartik Says:
    April 2nd, 2014
    Posted at: 8:04 am

    Hi nitin kumar, they are likely to see some consolidation today along with the markets

    Hi amit, since markets have been trading strong lately, would be better to hold it for a cuple of months more, continue holding it for some more gains

    Hi ND, Markets look strong overall, but can see some profit booking 1-2 days, try to book the PE's on any rise today

    Hi GAURAV, can see around 92 lvls

    Hi ravi, continue holding them for few more days

    Hi CHANGE, nothing new in futures for now, lets wait for some profit booking

    Hi JunkBox, we could see some profit booking since we've rallied quite a lot, try to exit from your PE's on any rise today

    Hi CA.TEJAS, TCS looks good above 2150 for a few days for a target of upto 2300, avoid others for now

  15. jahir hussain Says:
    April 2nd, 2014
    Posted at: 8:33 am

    hi, sir. good morning,

    buy sail cma

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